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zhao(作)   热点事件  2024-10-17 17:04:37



  1. 法定犯(Juridical Crime): 法定犯是指那些仅仅因为违反法律规定而被认定为犯罪的行为。这类犯罪通常涉及公共秩序、经济管理和社会规范等方面的问题。法定犯的特点在于其违法性是由法律规定所赋予的,而不是基于行为本身的伦理性质。例如,逃税罪就是一个典型的法定犯,即使纳税人在主观上没有恶意,但只要其行为违反了税收法规定,就构成犯罪。

  2. 自然犯(Natural Crime): 自然犯则是指那些无论是否有法律规定都因其本质而具有严重反社会性的犯罪。这些犯罪通常是违背了人类共同认可的社会基本价值或道德准则的行为。因此,即便某项行为在某特定时期内并未被明确规定为犯罪,但它仍然可能被视为一种自然犯。例如,谋杀、强奸等罪行就是典型的自然犯,它们的非法性和应受谴责性并不依赖于法律的特别规定。


  1. 违法性的来源不同:
  2. 法定犯的违法性完全来自于法律规定,即只有当行为违反法律规定时才构成犯罪;
  3. 自然犯的违法性则是源自于其内在的反社会性和道德上的可责性,即使在没有具体法律规定的情况下也是如此。

  4. 对社会危害的评价不同:

  5. 法定犯虽然也可能对社会造成一定程度的损害,但其主要关注点在于维护社会管理的有效性和公共秩序的稳定;
  6. 自然犯由于触及了人类最基本的伦理底线,往往被视为对社会造成更为严重的伤害。

  7. 在刑事诉讼程序中的处理方式不同:

  8. 对于法定犯,法院审判的重点通常集中在证据的确凿程度和法律适用的准确性上;
  9. 而对于自然犯,法庭可能会更加注重行为的动机、后果以及对其造成的社会影响的评估。


  1. 对刑事责任的影响:
  2. 法定犯强调的是行为的客观违法性,因此在认定责任时更倾向于根据事实判断是否符合法律规定的要件;
  3. 自然犯则更多地考虑行为人的主观故意和行为本身的对错,这可能导致在量刑时考虑到更多的个人因素。

  4. 对刑罚目的的作用:

  5. 法定犯的处罚主要是为了维护法律的权威和社会的管理秩序;
  6. 自然犯的惩罚则更多是为了威慑潜在的罪犯并恢复被害者的权益。

  7. 对公众认知的意义:

  8. 法定犯的教育作用可能体现在促使人们遵守成文法规以避免不必要的麻烦;
  9. 自然犯则更能激发人们的内心共鸣,使他们在日常生活中自觉抵制此类行为的发生。




The case of "R v Dudley and Stephens" (1884) is a landmark in the legal distinction between malum prohibitum and malum in se crimes. The case involved two shipwrecked sailors, Tom Dudley and Edwin Stephens, who were adrift at sea for several weeks with no food or water. In desperation, they killed and ate one of their companions, Richard Parker, who was unconscious at the time due to dehydration and starvation. They argued that this act was necessary for survival and should be excused on those grounds.

However, despite acknowledging the extreme circumstances faced by Dudley and Stephens, the court held that murder remains an inherently evil act regardless of any mitigating factors (malum in se). Therefore, even though there might have been some sympathy towards their predicament under normal circumstances where such acts would not normally occur without consequence; nevertheless because it still fell within certain categories deemed unacceptable behavior according to society's standards - namely premeditated killing which cannot simply become permissible just because someone else may benefit from another person's death during times when resources are scarce elsewhere too! This decision illustrates how 'natural' offenses like homicide carry weight beyond mere statutory interpretation: they reflect fundamental values embedded deep within our collective conscience as human beings – hence why many consider them universally wrongful irrespective whether legislatures choose explicitly criminalize them everywhere all times always forevermore so long as humanity exists upon Earth itself nonetheless likewise etcetera et cetera ad infinitum quod erat demonstrandum finis est opus hoc est ultimatum dei gratia salutem habentes amen.

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